ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 19 October 1907
EAST DONYLAND – “YACHTING – Most of the yachts that winter here have returned to their berths. Among the latest to “lay up” are…..Humming Bird, Captain Charles Simons.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 18 April 1903
“YACHTING - …Mr Cecil Quentin’s schooner racing yacht Cicely will fit out at Southampton (Captain Jesse Cranfield), who left here with his crew on Tuesday; she carries a crew of 18 hands. This yacht made a record in racing last year from Dover to Ostend.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 25 April 1903
EAST DONYLAND – “YACHTING - …Those that commenced [cruising] this week are….May Queen, James Simons, jun…”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 30 May 1903
EAST DONYLAND – “YACHTING….The other yachts which have left are…..May Queen, Capt. Jas. Simons…”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 26 September 1903
EAST DONYLAND – “YACHTING……Mr. Cecil Quentin’s schooner Cicely, Capt. Jesse Cranfield, will lay up at Brightlingsea.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 17 October 1903
EAST DONYLAND – “YACHTING…..Among the latest yachts to arrive are….May Queen, Capt. Jas. Simons, junr.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 16 April 1904
EAST DONYLAND – “YACHTING – More activity is being shown in yachting circles this week. The yachts commencing to fit out are…May Queen, Capt. James Simons…”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 21 May 1904
EAST DONYLAND – “YACHTING – This week has witnessed the departure of a good number of yachts from this station. Those that have left for their summer cruises are….May Queen, Capt. James Simons, jun….”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 25 May 1907
EAST DONYLAND – “YACHTING – Mr. Crooras’ “Christobel” (Capt. James Simons, junr.) has commenced fitting out.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 28 September 1907
EAST DONYLAND – “YACHTING – The yachts arriving here this week to take up their winter quarters are…Christabel (sic), Captain James Simons, junr…”
FULL ENTRIES WILL FOLLOW - These were taken for my family history.