Mariners' Chapel
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 1 November 1850 - “COLCHESTER COUNTY COURT. Oct. 28.- “Charles Bullock, builder, v. John Martin, shipwright, Colchester.- Mr. Abell for plaintiff; Mr. Neck for defendant.- The plaintiff sued for 10s., compensation for trouble and loss of time in preparing a plan and estimate for the erection of a chapel at Rowhedge.- Plaintiff said he was told by a man named Baker that the defendant wanted to see him, and he accordingly went to his house on the 19th Sept.; defendant said he wished to have a chapel built at Rowhedge and wanted him to give an estimate of the cost; he asked him if he had not better first see the site of the building; and defendant directed him to go to Rowhedge and prepare the specifications; he was occupied five days in doing so, and, not being a surveyor himself, had to employ Mr. Penrice in that capacity, and paid him 10s. for his services.- Cross-examined. Was asked for the estimate, and told defendant I could ascertain it better on the spot, and the defendant thereupon authorized me to go to Rowhedge.- Mr. Neck, for the defence, urged a non-suit, on the ground that no contract had been shown between the parties; it was part of the plaintiff’s business in such cases to prepare estimates for approval without any charge; His Honour thought the fact of the plaintiff having been sent for entitled him to compensation.- Mr. Neck called the defendant, who said he did not send for the plaintiff, nor authorize Baker to do so; the plaintiff asked him if he would give the job to him, and whether he should go and take the specifications, and he (defendant) simply told him he might do so.- By Mr. Abell. Baker (foreman in Mr. Hawkins’s timber-yard) told him Bullock was a very useful man, and he would send for him, but he (defendant) did not authorize him to do so; spoke to Mr. Shepherd about the work, and he also prepared an estimate, but without making any charge.- (laughter); Mr. Church, of Rowhedge, was now building the chapel.- His Honour was of opinion that defendant had sent for Mr. Bullock, and ordered the 10s. to be paid in a fortnight.”
ESSEX HERALD – 13 April 1852 – “GOOD FRIDAY. The members and friends of the Wesleyan Reform Chapel, Rowhedge, assembled together on Good Friday for the purpose of celebrating the opening of their chapel and school-room, and mingling together in various diversions by the river Colne. A substantial tea was provided in the chapel, of which about 170 persons partook. A public meeting was afterwards held, when Mr. Roy took the chair, and addresses were delivered by Messrs. W. Green, J. Houchin, Bowen, Sadler, J. Payne, and Mr. John Martin, the builder and owner of the edifice. The evening’s proceedings terminated about 10 o’clock. The chapel and school-room, which have been open about twelve months, are in a flourishing state, and already (says our correspondent) ocular evidences of a moral and spiritualising tendency have been produced amongst the poor neglected fishing population.”
ESSEX STANDARD - 20 May 1853 - “ROWHEDGE - On Sunday two sermons were preached in the Wesleyan Mariners’ Chapel, Rowhedge, in aid of the Sunday School connected with it; and on Whit-Monday the children (between 70 and 80 in number), with their teachers and parents, walked in procession to Donyland Hall, where they spent a very pleasant afternoon. A considerable number of spectators (many of them mariners) assembled to witness the sports, and loudly cheered Mr. Bruce, the occupier of the farm, on their departure. On their return to the chapel, tea, &c., was supplied to the children; and at the meeting, in the evening, several addresses upon educational subjects were delivered by friends from Colchester and the neighbourhood.”
ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 17 June 1859 - “EAST DONYLAND - The children of the East Donyland Schools were on Wednesday to the number of 200 regaled with tea and plum-cake at the residence of Mr. Kemp.- The children of the Wesleyan Mariners’ Sunday School were also similarly entertained by Mr. Bruce, of Donyland Hall, on Whit-Monday.”
ESSEX TELEGRAPH - 2 August 1878 - Four aged widows inhabited Olive Almshouses in Rowhedge, endowed by “J.M.” who built the Mariners’ Chapel. He took them to Walton on the Naze, all expenses paid, for a treat on Friday 2nd August.
ESSEX TELEGRAPH - 3 September 1878 - On Monday 26 August the New Blossom of Rowhedge (Charles Crosby) took a party of about fifty Rowhedge residents, mainly associated with the Mariners’ Chapel, for a cruise down the Colne. The following day Crosby and his son went North for coals.
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 23 January 1915 - "ROWHEDGE – MARINERS’ CHAPEL – A valuable new Bible has just been presented to the Chapel by Capt. And Mrs. James Simons, of Regent Street, Rowhedge, in memory of their son Claude, who was a valued member of the choir for some years previous to his decease.”