The s.y. Sheelah was owned by Admiral of the Fleet, The Right Honourable David Richard Beatty, First Earl Beatty, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., Royal Navy (17 January, 1871 – 11 March, 1936) and his wife Ethel. Beatty was one of the most famous and influential men during WW1, insisting that the German fleet should surrender unconditionally to the Royal Navy and that all U-Boats should be given up. He distinguished himself at the Battle of Jutland and in 1916 became Admiral of the Grand Fleet. He masterminded the country’s anti-submarine strategy and developed convoy systems to ensure that vital supply routes were kept open. At the end of the War, he was in command when the German Navy scuppered their ships at Scapa Flow. After the War, in 1919, already with a long string of honours to his name, he was created 1st Earl Beatty of the North Sea and Brooksby. He was granted £100,000 for his wartime service along with the thanks of Parliament. Between 1919 and 1927 Beatty was First Sea Lord of the Admiralty. He became a Privy Counsellor friendly with the King and Queen, and is buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral near Admiral Nelson. During WW1 Sheelah served as a hospital ship.
Name of Yacht; SHEELAH
Official Number; 115688
Port of Registry; Southampton
Port No. And Date of Register; 21. 1914
Registered Tonnage - Gross; 465, Net; 209
Nominal Horse Power of Engines (if any); 77
Registered Managing Owner; Admiral Sir David Beatty, GCB. DSO.
Address of Owner; Hanover Lodge, Regents Park, London
No. of Seamen for whom accommodation is certified; 30
The several persons whose names are hereto subscribed, and whose descriptions are contained below, and of whom – nine – are engaged as Sailors, hereby agree to serve on board the said Yacht, in the several capacities expressed against their respective Names, until the said Yacht shall be paid off.
On a Yachting Cruise to any ports or places the owner and/or master may require. Voyage to end in the United Kingdom and not to exceed twelve months.”
And the Crew agree to conduct themselves in an orderly, faithful, honest and sober manner, and to be at all times diligent in their respective Duties, and to be obedient to the lawful commands of the said Master, or of any person who shall lawfully succeed him, and of their Superior Officers, in everything relating to the said Yacht, and the Stores and Cargo thereof, whether on board, in boats, or on shore: in consideration of which Services to be duly performed, the said Master hereby agrees to pay to the said Crew as Wages the Sums against their Names respectively expressed, and to supply them with Provisions according to the Scale on the other side hereof. And it is hereby agreed that any Embezzlement, or wilful or negligent Destruction of any part of the Ship’s Cargo or Stores shall be made good to the Owner out of the Wages of the person guilty of the same. And it is further agreed, that if any Seaman enters himself in a capacity for which he is in, he is liable to be disrated. And it is also agreed, that if any member of the Crew considers himself to be aggrieved by any breach of the Agreement or otherwise, he shall represent the same to the Master or Officer in charge of the Ship in a quiet and orderly manner, who shall thereupon take such steps as the case may require: and it is also stipulated that advances on account and allotments of part of wages shall be made as specified against the names of the respective seamen in the columns provided for that purpose. And it is also agreed, that any man guilty of misconduct shall be liable to be discharged by the Master at any Port in Great Britain or Ireland; and that the voyage shall be considered as terminated when the Yacht is paid off. And it is also agreed, that
The clothes provided by the owner are yacht’s stores but will be given to the crew, provided their conduct has been to the satisfaction of the master, when the crew are finally paid off. Any man leaving before the end of the commission to leave his clothes on board.
In Witness whereof, the said Parties have subscribed their Names herein, on the days mentioned against their respective signatures.
Signed by W. Grint, Master, on the 28th day of March 1919.
Date of Commencement of Voyage; 30.3.19
Port at which Voyage commenced; Southampton
Date of Termination of Voyage; 29.7.19
Port at which Voyage terminated; Southampton
Date of Delivery of Lists to Superintendent; 29.7.19
I hereby declare to the truth of the Entries in this Agreement and Account of Crew, &c. W. Grint Master.
All men, except where noted, joined Sheelah 28/3/19 at Southampton, and all received V.G. for ability and general conduct. All men were discharged 29/7/19 at Southampton and signed their names upon engagement and discharge.
C. CROSS age 46, born at Wivenhoe, of Park Rd, Wivenhoe, 2nd Mate
E.J. HILLYARD age 34, born Rowhedge, of Regent St., Rowhedge, A.B.
H. BARKER age 53, born Wivenhoe, of Clifton Terrace, Wivenhoe, A.B.
H. POWELL age 24, born Rowhedge, of Alma St., Wivenhoe, A.B.
E. PERCIVAL age 26, born Wivenhoe, of Alma St., Wivenhoe, A.B.
H. PARKER age 35, born Rowhedge, of Church St., Rowhedge, A.B.
P. STIFF age 24, born Rowhedge, of Church St., Rowhedge, A.B.
W.A. COLE age 34, born Rowhedge, of Head St., Rowhedge, A.B.
HENRY J. WOODS age 39, born Brightlingsea, of 28 Silcott St., Brightlingsea, 2nd Steward
S.W. SIMONS 850576, age 25, born Rowhedge, of Regent St., Rowhedge. Last served in; LILY MAID. Capacity; Captain’s Steward. Date at which he is to be on board; 30/3/19. Wages per Calendar Month; £10. Left this Yacht; 29/7/19 at Southampton. Report of Character - For Ability; V.G. For General Conduct; V.G. Balance of Wages paid on Discharge; £4.14/4.
Name of Yacht; SHEELAH
Official Number; 115688
Port of Registry; Southampton
Port No. And Date of Register; 21/1914
Registered Tonnage - Gross; 465, Net; 209
Nominal Horse Power of Engines (if any); 77
Registered Managing Owner; Admiral Sir D. Beatty, GCB. DSO.
Address of Owner; Hanover Lodge, Regents Park, London
No. of Seamen for whom accommodation is certified; 30
Date of Commencement of Voyage; 30.7.19
Port at which Voyage commenced; Southampton
Date of Termination of Voyage; 29.9.19
Port at which Voyage terminated; Southampton
Date of Delivery of Lists to Superintendent; 29.9.19
I hereby declare to the truth of the Entries in this Agreement and Account of Crew, &c. W. Grint Master.
All men, except where noted, joined Sheelah 29/7/19 at Southampton, and all received V.G. for ability and general conduct. All men were discharged 29/9/19 at Southampton and signed their names upon engagement and discharge.
C. CROSS age 46, born at Wivenhoe, of Park Rd, Wivenhoe, 2nd Mate
E.J. HILLYARD age 34, born Rowhedge, of Regent St., Rowhedge, A.B.
H. PARKER age 34, born Rowhedge, of Church St., Rowhedge, A.B.
W.A. COLE age 34, born Rowhedge, of Head St., Rowhedge, A.B.
H. BARKER age 54, born Wivenhoe, of Clifton Terrace, Wivenhoe, A.B.
H. POWELL age 24, born Rowhedge, of Alma St., Wivenhoe, A.B.
E. PERCIVAL age 26, born Wivenhoe, of Alma St., Wivenhoe, A.B.
P. STIFF age 24, born Rowhedge, of Church St., Rowhedge, A.B.
S.W. SIMONS 850576, age 25, born Rowhedge, of Regent St., Rowhedge. Last served in; Same. Capacity; Captain’s Steward. Date at which he is to be on board; 30/7/19. Wages per Calendar Month; £10. Left this Yacht; 29/9/19 at Southampton. Report of Character - For Ability; V.G. For General Conduct; V.G. Balance of Wages paid on Discharge; £7.17/-
J. MASON age 25, born Wivenhoe, of Hamilton Villas, Wivenhoe, Assistant Steward.
D. MASON age 21, born Wivenhoe, of Hamilton Villas, Wivenhoe, Assistant Steward.

WWI - Sheelah as a hospital ship

Sheelah - Unknown crew member

Edward Joshua Hillyard of Rowhedge - Sheelah crew member in 1919